Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trunk or Treat 2010

Owen my cute little dinosaur.

This is Emily my adorable black cat.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

More Giveaways!

Shelley at Finding my life in faith has a lot of giveaways going on right now because she hit 500 followers!!  Woooo Hooooo!!!  Way to go Shelley.

One of the giveaways is for Mabel's Label's.

The other giveaway I like is for Snapware.

So stop by her blog and enter her giveaways.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

So Thanksgiving is Monday Oct. 11th in Canada and we are currently in Orangeville Ontario at my cousins house.  We are heading to Kitchener on Sunday for the long awaited big turkey dinner!  Come to find out we are not having the turkey, mashed potatoes and all the fixin's but instead Nigerian turkey curry over rice (with pineapple, oranges, grated carrots and nuts).  Yuck, this doesn't sound like food I want to be thankful for!!  So we have a backup plan,  we are having someone bring left over turkey and fresh bread for some good turkey sandwiches.  On a serious note, I am very thankful that we can all be together for this holiday.  To all my Canadian friends and family, have a happy thanksgiving.