Sunday, December 4, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

Today my friend and I took my two kids and her 4 kids to breakfast with Santa.  It's not easy with six little one's but we did it and all the kids had a good time.  After breakfast we went to the Festival of Trees and browsed through all the beautifully decorated trees.
This is Emily and Owen my two children with Santa Claus.
These are my friend Shelley's cute four kids with Santa.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Homemade Halloween Costume

My daughter Emily decided she wanted to be a s'more for Halloween so off to the fabric store we went.  My sister in-law and I made this cute s'more and I think it turned out really well.  My son Super man is hanging out in the wagon waiting to go for candy.
Please disregard my car in the back ground.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Turkey day in Canada is Monday Oct. 10th............ Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian family and friends and those of you I don't know.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Owen's 1st ER Visit

Owen was playing with the water in the bird bath and pulled the cement bird bath over on himself.  It landed right on top of him and all I could see of him were his little legs.  It landed right across his forehead and oh my goodness did his head swell.  We rushed to ER to have his head checked out.  Owen had a   Cat Scan which was Negative and we went home.  After the initial pain and shock, Owen was a pretty happy little guy.  He was back to normal in no time,  although his forehead looks awfully bruised and swollen still.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Kitchen Remodel - two month mark!

It has been a long hard summer of work, work and more work.  As you may know, my husband and I started a kitchen project mid July and we are just getting the cabinets in now, this is day 2 of cabinet install!  I can hardly wait until they are all in and my kitchen is complete.  I am tired of living out of box's in my kitchen and having to look for everything.  We have never installed cabinets before so it is taking us awhile, but so far so good.  A little tweaking here and there with the cabinets and we are all good.  Hopefully we will have them finished tomorrow so I can call this week for a counter top measurement.  So since last update.......... the stove vent pipe has been removed, old cabinets gone, old lights removed, new lights installed, drywall patched and walls have primer on them. Most cabinets are installed, cabinets on the window wall to come.  Take a look, whatcha think?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kitchen Update

I know it's been a long time since an update but we have been soooo busy.  We have removed our old utility room and enlarged the kitchen, removed the cupboards and today moved the dishwasher to the other side of the sink.  We also purchased our new gas convection range and fridge.  I love these appliances so much, and they look so pretty.  We are currently living out of box's in the kitchen due to lack of cupboards.  Our next project is to get the lighting and outlets where it needs to go then drywall work.  Cupboards should be finished and ready for delivery in the next 1.5 - 2 weeks, so time is a tickin.  Here are some update pictures on what it looks like so far.

It is a work in progress!!
So as I said earlier, we have been so busy.  My husband is at a new company and has been working 10-12hrs a day 6-7 days a week and we bought  a foreclosed home to fix up and rent to my sister in law.  Ugh!!  It seems everything always happens at the same time.  With patience, hard work, little sleep and team work we will slowly get through all this work ahead of us.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Renovation Time

I have been wanting to remodel my kitchen for a long time, and now is it!  So I will try to share the progress, no matter how long it takes.  Here are some before pictures............

As you can see, the kitchen is very narrow to say the least!

So my husband is tearing down a small storage room that once held the hot water heater and furnace.  (That was the last job, moving them to the garage.)  We will then be able to make the kitchen wider.

This is the storage area that will soon be gone.

This project will probably take us a couple months due to the long work weeks my husband puts in.  In the end we will save a lot of money by doing the work ourselves.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Its Been Soooo Long

I have not been on my blog since the middle of April as you can tell!  I think I was a little bored with it and needed a break.  There has been a lot going on and I will update soon.   I will update soon :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Precious Bella

These are some pictures of my newest niece. Her name is Bella Grace, and she is soooo cute!

This is my daughter Emily and Bella.

Monday, April 18, 2011

O is for OWEN

Owen is my son who is 2 yrs old.  He is talking so much more lately and my favorite is when he counts.  I started counting 1, 2, 3 and he said "4, 5, 6, chicken".  I think he thinks seven sounds like chicken?  It was so cute and he says this every time he counts, it cracks me.

N-noisy... (at times)
He is so sweet........ I can't imagine life without him.
Love  Mom

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I won these awards!

Deirdra from A Storybook World gave me this award, thanks so much!

Angela from Mommy Time Out gave me this award, thanks so much Angela!

As you may already know, this award comes with some rules. Here are the rules:

•Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post. - Done

•Tell us seven things about yourself

•Award fifteen recently discovered new bloggers

•Contact these bloggers and let them know they’ve received their award.

Here are 7 things about me:
1.  I'm a Registered Nurse
2.  I'm a Canadian
3.  I love gardening
4.  I am a wife and mother of 2 children
5.  I'm a christ follower
6.  I like to be in charge!
7.  I love saving money and couponing

I am now going to award 15 bloggers: (not all of you are new, but you are some of my favorites)

Join Me

Join me and listen to this song.  It's one of my favorites.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I is for IRS or Income Tax

Tax season is soon coming to an end, April 15 or 16th I think?  Well I have mine done so I'm safe.  Do you owe the IRS money or are you getting some back?

I believe this is how most people feel, that the government gets too much of our money.

I'm from Canada and paid 15% sales tax on most items, so 6% doesn't seem too bad.

So, do you feel like this?

Or this?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

H is for Hillbillies

Warning - you may see pictures of your family members below,  some look like mine! Lol
This is a picture of the most famous "Hillbillies".

The jean overalls are a dead giveaway.  One should never wear these out in public!

See y'all tomorrow!

Friday, April 8, 2011

G is for Gardening

It's almost time here in Michigan to start the growing season.  I LOVE to be outside in the dirt, making my yard look beautiful.  The first day in April that was nice enough to be outside, was last weekend.  We spent all afternoon outside picking gravel from the driveway out of the lawn, splitting and moving my daylillie's and trimming shrubs and trees.  Every year it seems I add more and more flower bed gardens,  can you ever have too many?  Enough talk, now on to some pictures of beautiful flower gardens.

Some lovely spring tulips.

Summer purple cone flower.

The flower of fall to me, is the mum.

And last but not least, the winter garden.

Thanks for stopping by.

F is for Friendship

First off, I forgot to post this yesterday (oops) so I'm posting F and G today.

"An honest answer is the sign of true friendship."
- Proverbs 24:26

"A friend loveth at all times."
- Proverbs 17:17

Friendship Quotes

I will end with the best quote of all........

A good friend is cheaper than therapy.  ~Author Unknown

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

E is for EMILY

Emily is my 6 yr old daughter, who I love so very much.
E- Energetic
L- Lovable
She has a great sense of humor and we are so proud of her.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

D is for Dentist

Tomorrow my daughter Emily has a dentist appointment to have her teeth cleaned.

She is excited about going because she says "I get to choose a toy from the toy chest if I'm good".

In this picture above she is pointing to her first loose tooth.  It's almost ready to fall out.  Hopefully not until Thursday when the tooth fairy gets paid!

Monday, April 4, 2011

C is for CANADA

I chose Canada as my "C" word because I AM CANADIAN!!

I am from Ontario, Canada which borders Michigan.  When I cross the border back into my mother land, it feels like home.

Front of BillsRear of Bills
$100 Dollars, Robert Borden Canadian Prime Minister 1911-1920Exploration & Innovation
$50 Dollars, William Lyon MacKenzie King, PM 1921-1948Famous Five (legal case where women became "persons")
$20 Dollars, Queen ElizabethSpirit of Haida Gwaii Carving, located at Vancouver Airport
$10, John A MacDonald, Canada's first Prime MinisterCanadian Veterans & Peace Keeping
$5 Dollars, Wilfrid Laurier, Prime Minister 1896-1911Winter Sports
2 Dollar Coin or "Twonie"1 dollar Coin or Loonie

This is our very beautiful, colorful money.


Canada is known for hockey.  

And we love our toques  :-)

And Tim Horton's coffee shop was born and raised in Canada.

These are some of the things that make Canadians and Canada who we are.